Wednesday 28 August 2013

Beauty Bargains


The other day I ended up at Poundland and decided to have a mooch around. Much to my delight I found a few things that I liked the look of and for £1 each I thought what the heck!! 

This is what I picked up. 

First up was a hair mask. This is actually really nice. It's smells lovely and after using it my hair feels really hydrated and soft. It contains argon oil which is something I have not used before. I am going to love using this once or twice a week. 

Next up was your standard deodorant. Nothing much more to say about this really!

I then stumbled upon the travel bottle set that I am very happy to have found. This now means I don't have to cart around massive tubs and tubes as I can now decanter what I need for my travels. These even adhere to the strict hand luggage rule so that makes them even more handy for me.

I picked up 2 packs of facial wipes. These were 2 for £1 so I couldn't resist. I go through wipes like there is no tomorrow so it never hurts to have spares in my cupboard. 

I didn't realise that Poundland stock some Rimmel make up. It is a very small selection and I think it is mainly discontinued stock. The varnish I picked up is a white top coat that cracks on your nails creating a shattered effect. I will do a post on this to let you know how I get on. 

Lastly I got a shower cap. This is mainly to use when I have my sleep rollers in but it's always handy to have one in the bathroom! 

So, if your near a pound shop it may be worth popping in. You never know what you'll be able to get hold of.

Much Love

A x

Friday 23 August 2013

Maybelline Babylips


The babylips have finally hit our shores!

I have heard a lot about these from American YouTubers and I was excited to try them. They are on sale at Boots and are £2.99 each. When I went to purchase online there was a 3 for 2 offer so I decided to try 3 of the 6 in the the collection. I bought Hydrate, Peach Kiss and Mint Fresh. Hydrate and Mint Fresh are clear on the lips and Peach Kiss has a hint of peach colour when applied. All 3 smell really good (the mint being my favorite) and they contain a good SPF 20. They are nice balms and are a handy size to throw in your bag. I want to try the other 2 that have a more colour to them but overall the 3 I have are not bad.

Much Love

A x

Sunday 18 August 2013

Blog lovin'


I have recently included my blog on blog lovin' Please click on the follow button to the right of this and you will be able to follow all my ramblings!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Much Love

A x

Would you rather?


I loved doing the rainbow tag in a past post and someone mentioned the would you rather? tag. It is as the title suggests. 14 dilemmas and what I would rather.

Here goes .......


1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?

- I would have to say palettes and eyeshadows. I don't think the world is ready to see me with no mascara!

2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?

- I am quite lazy with getting my hair cut. I have been known to not get round to it and leave it over a year (oops) so I would be quite content to never be able to cut it again.

3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?

- I love a pink cheek at the moment. Bourjois creme blush is my current fave.

4.) If you had £1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?

- Ooh this is a toughie! Probably clothes as I have loads of make up and it will last me ages. I would probably buy 3 or 4 designer pieces that would last forever and be an investment rather than buy lots of things that I would probably get bored of.

5.) Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?

- If I can use a coloured eyeliner then eyeliner as lipstick.

6.) Would you rather only shop at MAC or Boots?

- Boots definitely. So much more choice! But I do love my MAC lipstick.

7.) Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life?

- One eyeshadow. I tend to stick to cream colours anyway so I would be cool with that.

8.) Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?

- Summer clothes in winter. Layers all the way!

9.) Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?

- Bright nails. It's fun to have colour. Especially on a drab and dreary day.

10.) Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?

- Lip product

11.) Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail or a messy bun?

- Messy Bun. I am all for this.

12.) Would your rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lipgloss?

- Never use lipgloss. Recently I have gone off lipgloss. The only one I use occasionally is Benefits Dandelion.

13.) Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all or sharpie them in everyday?

- Shave them off and get them tattooed on again (is that cheating?)

14.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?

- Nail polish. Enough said.

So another tag done and I have to say I do love doing these things.

Here's to the next one!

Much Love

A x

Wednesday 14 August 2013

70 today

Today is my Daddys 70th birthday.

 He is unable to be here in person as cancer decided to take him away from us. I lost my Dad in October last year and not a day goes by when I don't think about him. So many things trigger memories.

Hearing someone whistling in doors or crossing on the stairs. This is when I hear my superstitious Dad yell. Horse racing and greyhounds. Rhyl and Blackpool. Road rage and 1000 sneezes one after the other. Even a line for the toilet. These things remind me of the most important man in my life.

So Daddy, enjoy your birthday. I hope you got the balloon I sent up today for you.

You know you will never be forgotten and I'll always be Daddys Little Girl.
All my love forever
A xxx

Saturday 10 August 2013

Top 5 destination wish list


I have been thinking a lot recently about traveling and decided I would compile my top 5 places I would love to visit. There is no deep hidden meaning as to why I want to go to these places apart from 2 as there are reasons for these places. 

1. Hawaii

2. Las Vegas - me and the Mr are planning a trip here to renew our wedding vows on our tenth anniversary. 

3. The Maldives. 

4. Canada. 

5. Australia. Me and the Mr are huge cricket fans and would love to see the Ashes been contested down under. It is always at Christmas time so we could get some winter sun as well. 

There are loads of places in the UK that surprisingly I haven't visited yet. These will be far easier to do!

I will visit my top 5 plus more as the traveller within me demands it. 

Much Love

A x

Sunday 4 August 2013

Latest in Beauty Ultimate Summer Nails!


I have mentioned Latest in Beauty in a previous post and I did say I would buy more beauty boxes from them. Well, I went and managed to get the box that I had initially gone onto the site for. Unfortunately it was out of stock but after putting myself on the waiting list it is now mine! 

I give to you the Ultimate Summer Nails box!!

Again, this is so worth the money. Latest in Beauty are the best I have found. This box was £14.95 including p&p and it is worth £55.00!

Here's what's in this box:

Essie Sleek Stickers. I cannot wait to put these on. They are a red and gold pattern and have a lovely finish to them. I will be wearing these when I meet up with friends at the end of the month. They will really make a statement!

Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover. I have heard fantastic things about this. You just put your finger in the tub, twist and that's that! All nail varnish is supposed to be gone and anything that eases this step in the nail routine is a winner by me. 

L'Occitane Hand Cream. Gorgeous. The smell, the feel and the packaging are just gorgeous. It is so nourishing and I could see a difference after one use.

The Vintage Cosmetic Company Nail File. I got some tweezers from this brand in the last box so I am sure this will be just as good. 

Rituals Nail Varnish Corrector Pen. This will make cleaning any mishaps so much easier. I usually use a cotton bud soaked in remover but this is the same idea but in a pen form. I can see me loving this!

Nails Inc Polishes. There are 2 mini polishes in this box. Notting Hill is a hot neon pink and Kensington Caviar is a top coat. I have never owned or used a polish by Nails Inc so I am looking forward to trying them out.

Butter London Nude Polish. This is the item I am most excited about. Since the cost of one of these is practically the cost of this whole box, I would never buy one of these usually. It is in the shade Yummy Mummy and it is not only my first Butter London polish but also my first nude colour. This will be going straight on my nails the first chance I get. A fabulous move to include this LIB!!

So that's the lowdown on another box.  You can get yours here

I do not doubt that you will be reading about another Latest in Beauty box purchase very soon. 

Much Love 

A x