Sunday 31 August 2014

Ice Ice Baby


So I've had a "chilling" week to say the least! This week I was nominated to do the ALS ice bucket challenge and I'm proud to say I didn't chicken out! ALS or MND as it is known in the UK is a small charity that is reaping the rewards of this viral fundraising and I couldn't have been happier to complete the challenge and donate.

Other things this week included purchases of homewear and dresses, pub lunches, the dreaded task of sorting my wardrobe and the discovery of what could be my new favourite nail polish colour.

Here are some snapshots:

The aftermath of the wardrobe sort

MUA nail polish in number 3

Ice Bucket Challenge

Much Love

A x

Sunday 24 August 2014

New Take


After quite a long blogging break I am back and this time I'm doing things a little differently!

I have decided to do 1 post a week telling you the main things that I did/tried/bought in that week. A sort of week in pictures if you will! 

So, I have started to note what's occurring and hope you enjoy my weeks as I see them :)

Here are a few photos of some of the things I have been up to whilst on my blog break


Much love

A x

Wednesday 22 January 2014



Sorry I've been missing in action. I have been using the last few weeks to do some major life decluttering. 

My first start was Facebook. Now I was not one to "friend" anyone I didn't know but I had an awful lot of "friends" that were not part of my life in any shape or form. I share a lot of my life on FB like photos and updates and I realised these are the things that I only want people who are actually in my life to see. So I set about slashing the number of friends I had on there. I can tell you it feels great! I am unburdened of people's problems whom I don't really know, I am rid of the few that used it as a platform to moan about anything and everything and the best outcome is I actually care about the things that show up in my news feed now.

I would highly recommend this!

Next was decluttering my belongings. More accurately my make up. I had it crammed in 1 tiny drawer and a lot of things were not getting used as I had forgotten about them. To rectify this I treated myself to a dressing table and it may be the best thing I ever bought. 

Now my make up is nicely separated in drawers and I feel totally organised. I have also found some old faves that I am now using again.

Next on my list is the decluttering of my clothes but that may take a while and may even be a constant work in progress.

I can honestly say that even after doing these 2 things I feel better in myself and more in control.

Have you had a new year declutter?

Much Love

A x

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! However you saw the new 365 days in I hope you had a great and safe time.

I'm not one to make resolutions as I never stick to them but this year I have 3 I think I can do.

1. To exercise more. I'm planning on getting a bike and go riding with the Mr.

2. Stop biting my nails. I get my nails nice and when one breaks I automatically start to bite at it. Well no more!

3. Stop been lazy with skin care. I'm going to try and do my routine even if I'm tired and all I want is bed.

If you have made any resolutions good luck! Have a great 2014 and I hope all your dreams come true.

Much Love

A x

Saturday 28 December 2013

On the fourth week of Christmas

I'm back with the last 3 items of my advent calendar and also what I got for Christmas.
First up what was behind the last three doors

Nails inc Porchester Square 4ml. This is a lovely nude and I love nails inc.
Umberto Gianni backcomb in a bottle 30ml. I am interested in this as I love a bit of volume.
17 blow out mascara. Full size and you can't have too many mascaras!
As I said in my last post, I have loved this calendar and will certainly be having one next year.
Now for Christmas presents!

First from the Mr I got a new hairdryer as I had had my old one for 10 years and it was on its way out. He also got me a lovely Ted Baker smelly set in a beautiful box.
Off my Mom, Sister and nieces I received make up galore! I got look beauty's metallic smoulder eye and power lashes kits, a soap and glory eyes box and a huge soap and glory travel makeup kit.
My brother and his family got me and the Mr wine and biscuits. We also got tins of sweets, chocolates and biscuits from friends.
From my in laws I got a new bag for work, the naked 1 pallet (which I am so excited about!), the obligatory slippers, a cushion for my bed and the Kimberley Walsh autobiography which I asked for as I love Girls Aloud.
I was very spoilt and feel so grateful for all of the gifts I received. This is by no way means a post of bragging. I love reading what people received and so wanted to share what I got with you.
I hope you received some lovely gifts too.
Much Love
A x

Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Twang


Last night me and the Mr went to the Rainbow Lounge in Birmingham to see one of our favourite bands The Twang.

I'd never been to the venue or seen the band live before so I was really looking forward to our pre Christmas outing.

I was not disappointed at all. The venue was packed and the atmosphere was electric.
There were people on shoulders, jumping about, beer flying everywhere and generally having a good night.

The Twang were awesome and played a variety of their hits plus some songs off their new album due to be released in the new year.

If you haven't heard the Twang I recommend you YouTube them. If you like the indie rock genre you will love them.

I really want to go back to the venue aswell as it is a fantastic place for live music.

Much love

A x

Saturday 21 December 2013

On the third week of Christmas


Well, it's nearly the end of my calendar. Only 3 windows left and I am going to miss opening this everyday.

Here's what was behind weeks doors

Seventeen tattoo me liquid eyeliner 6m. This is black and glides on easily.

Boots emery board. Always useful and a nice handbag size.

Soap & Glory mini flake away body scrub 50ml. Another S&G product and I couldn't be happier

Ghost fragrance 36m A nice and light smell.

Mavala diamond nail polish 5ml. I don't have many glitters so this is welcomed into my collection.

Carmex lip balm pot original 7.5g Great lip balm and a nice handy size.

Botanics hair serum 30ml. I've heard quite a lot about this so I am looking forward to trying it.

So, that's week 3 and I am pleased with every gift this week.

Not long to Christmas Day now! I hope you are ready!

Much love

A x